Progressus Software

Next-Generation Professional Services Automation
Architected for the Microsoft Cloud

Add external document field to project card

On the invoicing page there is an 'external document number' field where a number can be entered. When the invoice prints it says 'PO Number'. If this information could be entered on the project card and automatically entered on the invoice it would save time at invoicing. 

  • Tasha Anspach
  • Feb 6 2019
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  • Eric Young commented
    21 Oct, 2021 05:57pm

    Also, remove the automictic printing of "PO Number" (if that is the current case as described above). Instead, make it so the text that prints on the invoice is only what is written in the External Document field. This would allow including things other than a PO Number. The customer receiving the invoice might want to see their vendor account number, or some other reference printed.

  • Brandon Lewis commented
    19 Dec, 2019 05:40pm

    Would also be helpful to have an External Reference Number on Main Projects.

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