Progressus Software

Next-Generation Professional Services Automation
Architected for the Microsoft Cloud

Time sheet activity display for all roles

Users that are not using progressus roles have hard time searching for screens to enter time. 

When you attempt to do a quick search of "Timesheet Periods" you are not given a link to the Timesheet Periods table. This is an impact to the users that are using non Progressus roles like Sales and Relationship Managers.

We have to force the users to change their roles so they can enter their time or expenses.



  • Guest
  • Mar 25 2019
Business Impact

Replace the standard BC timesheet activity page on the home screen with Progressus activity for time for all roles. This will help all users to enter time without changing their roles.

  • Attach files
  • Brandon Lewis commented
    15 Aug, 2019 07:08pm

    Would be nice to replace or limit BC functionality like this that Progressus replaces.  Many users do get confused, especially in non Progressus roles.