Progressus Software

Next-Generation Professional Services Automation
Architected for the Microsoft Cloud

Ability to Mark an Invoice Value up or down without effecting the WIP calculation

This is an issue when the user has the system setup to post WIP the sales amount of the Usage and Sales line to WIP.


The Usage line contains a sales amount

When that Usage line is invoiced thru invoice suggestions/sales invoice then it flow back thru and WIP will be relieved for the SALES amount when the WIP process is run


This works well if the user does not write up/down the sales invoice line before it is posted.

  • Kimberly Bateson
  • Jun 10 2019
  • Shipped
Business Impact

Currently WIP is updated for the total sales amount posted. However there may be the need for a user to post the usage line for the sales amount to WIP and then relieve WIP when the sales invoice is posted. If the user changes the quantity/amount of the sales invoice line before it is posted then WIP will be relieved for the wrong amount (the actual sales invoice amount that is posted). In order for WIP to properly post correctly for the sales invoice, it should only post WIP for the original amount of the Sales line rather than the marked up/down amount

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