Progressus Software

Next-Generation Professional Services Automation
Architected for the Microsoft Cloud

Reopening/Correcting timesheets should not create negative reversing entries until the new updated timesheet is posted

Companies need to correct timesheets. However during that process there can be a lag time. 

If a company reopens a timesheet but is still researching the new postings, that resource can be incorrectly omitted for payroll extraction file because the original timesheet reopen reverses entries immediately. If the reversal of the reopen occurs at the time the new timesheet is posted then there will always be a full accounting of the resources time.

  • Kim Bateson
  • Jul 3 2019
  • Attach files
  • Brandon Lewis commented
    15 Aug, 2019 07:41pm

    I would also consider that a reopened timesheet (A Correcting Timesheet in SL terms) might get deleted.  So the corrections will not take place and the original timesheet was fine.  


    Also, it would be beneficial to keep the original timesheet intact.  So having the original and the correcting timesheet as their own documents would be beneficial.  

  • +2