Progressus Software

Next-Generation Professional Services Automation
Architected for the Microsoft Cloud

Timesheets should only be one screen not two. Need to require only 1 table for entry and import

Currently the entry of timesheets is a 2 screen process. The first screen contains a line for the project and task and work type. Then there is the time Details screen where drill down allows the entry of overtime, regular, etc. 

Having more than 1 set of tables cause challenges in multiple areas

1. Mobile time entry is too cumbersome and too many clicks to enter. 

2. Mobile time entry populates the detail table before the summary screen and this causes synch issues.

3. Import of time is cumbersome because the import file must contain both time entry and time entry line tables for all records and the line number must be the same for both tables in order for the records to be found and connected together.

4. There are issues with updates if customers change lines in the firs screen (time entry line) that leave orphaned transactions in the time entry table


If we change time entry to match the concepts we use in expense entry by having one level of detail then all the above issues will be resolved 

  • Rich Fowler
  • Aug 9 2018
  • Evaluate
  • Attach files
  • +4