Progressus Software

Next-Generation Professional Services Automation
Architected for the Microsoft Cloud

Control which Scheduled Billings lines run thru the automated process

Add 2 checkboxes to the scheduled billings setup as outlined below:

  1. ‘active’ check box – So that if for some reason they don’t want the scheduled billings to pick up a scheduled billings line they can uncheck active box?

    1. They may have billing lines that they setup as recurring and no longer are applicable (I realize they can also change the number of recurrences to stop it too)

    2. This could be used for budget only (or do we add a check box that is ‘budget only’

  2. ‘manual billing’ check box - Means that the scheduled billings line is active but they may want to manually generate the scheduled billings rather than have the scheduled billing process include it

I would expect the ‘active’ to default to TRUE and the ‘manual’ to default to FALSE when adding a new scheduled billings line

  • Kim Bateson
  • Aug 12 2020
  • Attach files