Progressus Software

Next-Generation Professional Services Automation
Architected for the Microsoft Cloud

Add a filter only show transactions contribute to the sum to Outstanding Amount (LCY) and Amt. Rcd. Not Invoiced (LCY)

Only see the transactions contributing to the sum and not all transactions. Records where where "Outstanding Amount (LCY)" = 0 or "Amt. Rcd. Not Invoiced (LCY)" = 0 should be excluded.

  • Robert Brahm
  • Jun 3 2021
  • Research
Business Impact

The customer has a problem identifying the Purchase order when you klick on outstanding amount. Now you see Quotes, Purchase orders and Purchase invoices since the beginning of time,

  • Attach files
  • Robert Brahm commented
    1 Sep, 2021 09:40am

    Purchase Not Invoiced (LCY) in the Project subform is calculated with VAT using the data from the field Amt. Rcd. Not Invoiced (LCY). This is not Correct, should be without vat. Create a support ticket for this.

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