Progressus Software

Next-Generation Professional Services Automation
Architected for the Microsoft Cloud

Move time transactions between projects when in preliminary sales invoice

Today, if you - when producing a preliminary sales invoice - find that you need to move time transactions from one project to another, you have to go to the project plan and make the move. You should be able to do this also when handling the preliminary sales invoice, avoiding to have to go between the project plan and the exiting the preliminary sales invoice process.

  • Susanne Tillqvist
  • Jun 11 2021
Business Impact

To reduce time to manage this. Currently, you have to exit the preliminary sales invoice and go to the project plan in order to move transactions between projects. This would make it more efficient.

Industry Vertical Consulting
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  • Eric Young commented
    21 Oct, 2021 06:30pm

    Totally agree. The whole process of making time/expense corrections needs to be drastically improved. It is very cumbersome and time consuming right now.