Progressus Software

Next-Generation Professional Services Automation
Architected for the Microsoft Cloud

Timesheet approval and access/review/correct "Invoice Comments"

Use case

When approving timesheets user makes lookup in “Time Registry” to review time entries. Part of this review is controlling registered text including “Invoice Comments”.


In approval of timesheet lookup in “Time Registry”, "Total", etc - depending on the "Group By" in the "Timesheet approval".

In the "Edit Time Entries" "Invoice Comments" can be accesssed via the menu ”Invoice Comments”. User have to press twice (menu and submenu – ”Invoice Comments”, ”Invoice Comments”).


Solution could be one of the following

  • Only one level in menu “Invoice Comment”

  • Make a lookup (“…” or correct symbol) to the field “Invoice Comment” in the time entry line and show the invoice comments


Just a minor thing in the Danish version:

Menu caption for "Invoice Comment" in Danish “Fakturabemærkninger” is spelled differently in menu and submenu.

  • Brian Mikkelsen
  • Nov 4 2021
Business Impact

More efficient to access/review/correct “Invoice Comment” text easier.

  • Attach files
  • Brian Mikkelsen commented
    March 28, 2022 09:22

    Same issue as in PGS-I-548 - Invoice Suggestion

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