Progressus Software

Next-Generation Professional Services Automation
Architected for the Microsoft Cloud

Provide a Link option for attachments

In Items list, the attachment Information Factbox allows for a link to be added. In BC Items seem to be the only place Links can be setup.

  • Guest
  • Feb 7 2024
Business Impact

Attachments can cause the BC DB to grow quickly depending on business flow, hosting a document library on SharePoint would prevent a DB from growing too large too fast. It would also allow for a single document to be referenced by multiple solutions, so a company is not managing multiple copies.

  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    08 Feb 16:08

    DocXstender is a free app available that gives ability being looked for. There are a handful of default pages it has enabled in BC. if additional function is needed in other screens not provided with the default install, they have to be added via dev efforts. Estimated a 25 min effort to add per page.

    If the BC Feature pack provided a selection option screen to enable or disable this feature in a requested page would be a cool feature.