Progressus Software

Next-Generation Professional Services Automation
Architected for the Microsoft Cloud

Ability to write up/write down invoice lines and not result in WIP adjustment

WIP has the option to post based on the usage line. Frequently customers will relieve WIP using the sales line posting to reduce WIP balance
If the timesheet usage line has 10 hours but they adjust the billing quantity to 8 hours the following will occur
1. WIP will update based on usage line of 10 hours
2. WIP will be reduced for sales line of 8 hours.
This results in 2 hours remaining in WIP that will not be billed. 
Need the ability to write off the additional 2 hours and have WIP relieved for the 2 hours
Similarly if they have usage line of 10 hours and write it up to 13 hours. 
The additional 3 hours from the posting of the sales invoice should not relieve WIP because it was never posted to WIP originally
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  • Jun 26 2019
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