Progressus Software

Next-Generation Professional Services Automation
Architected for the Microsoft Cloud

Add option to send summary emails

Add the option for emails to be sent as a summary (daily and weekly). This would be especially helpful for PMs to receive ONE email a day saying these people have submitted their time/expense today instead of receiving 50 separate emails that day. Some companies may even want the ability to have that summary sent on a weekly basis.

  • Eric Young
  • Oct 2 2020
  • Researching
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    • Eric Young commented
      September 02, 2022 13:51

      As far as fields, I guess the same fields that are in the current emails that are sent for each timesheet/expense report that is submitted.

      How often - I envision this being in a set-up, with the option to receive a daily summary, weekly summary, or per-instance email (not a summary).

      Trigger - Maybe this could also be in set-up, giving the options on when to send a summary... drop down with days of the week. drop down with time to receive email. The email would then be sent based on those selections.

    • Admin
      Jeff Suwyn commented
      September 02, 2022 12:57

      What fields would need to included in the process summary report?

      How often would this report be sent?

      What would trigger sending this report?

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