Progressus Software

Next-Generation Professional Services Automation
Architected for the Microsoft Cloud

Limit time entry hours

Business Central currently handles input of data with comma/dot differently depending on region settings. This causes issues in the timesheets for customers where the settings does not correspond with their time reporting, if settings are not done correctly for the users, where 2.5 hours is recorded as 25 hours when it should actually be 2,5 hours.

It is currently possible to submit any number of hours in a given time entry. It would be a really nice feature to either limit this to a daily maximum to max 24 hours, or to be able to configure a daily maximum in the Project Setup or Resource Setup page.

  • David Embretsen
  • Dec 12 2021
  • Planned
Business Impact

This would reduce the risk of error input of hours, such as 2,5 hours being saved as 25 hours.

  • Attach files
  • Aske Holst commented
    12 Jan, 2022 02:41pm

    Note that BC19 has a feature to always treat the period or comma on the numeric keyboard as a decimal separator, independent of regional settings.

    The idea of a configurable limit is still good though.

  • hans wennerberg commented
    11 Jan, 2022 08:16am

    Since the only resonable interpretation of a comma or a period in this context would be as a decimal separator it should be possible to parse it as such in the input form.

  • Henrik Nielsen director SEC commented
    13 Dec, 2021 08:30am

    We have experienced number of issues registering hours on our projects and would for this reason like to get a warning if the comma or dot is ignored (dependent on the regional setting).

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