Progressus Software

Next-Generation Professional Services Automation
Architected for the Microsoft Cloud

Add duration column to the Project Plan

Add a duration column to the project plan. It can be a calculating field off of budget entries. We have estimated start date and estimated end date already and this is all based off of budgets 

  • Tasha Anspach
  • Mar 27 2019
  • Research
Business Impact

Easily determine how long a task is supposed to take. Would be easier to grab the data for a project gantt chart in Power BI.

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  • Brandon Lewis commented
    August 15, 2019 19:19

    Would this be a calendar day or business day calculation for schedules?  Might need to take that into consideration.

  • Kim Bateson commented
    April 17, 2019 19:52

    Some client would like Start and End Dates on the tasks too so they can manually enter those based on known project schedule

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