Progressus Software

Next-Generation Professional Services Automation
Architected for the Microsoft Cloud

Ability to include Previously billed and Billed to Date on the Sales Invoice

Some customers require that previously billed information is included on the invoice. 

This requirement can be defined in 3 options

1. A summary comment on the footer of the invoice

2. The total amount of billed to date is displayed on each line of the invoice. (i.e. resource John Doe Current amount 1000 Total Amount 3000.)

3. Contract To date amount less previously billed on a summary line at the bottom of the invoice 

In order to accomplish this (especially option 2) it would also be required to have a Billing history screen where users can initialize the amount previously billed (assuming this is for new implementations) to the same level as the detail lines would be required. For example at the resource level or the resource group level or Expense code level or the item level. These would require dates included. 

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  • Jun 26 2019
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