This blocking of the project or task may be for any or all of the following:
- time entry
- expense entry
- purchase order/purchase invoice entry.
It would be valuable to have the ability to choose on the project to prevent entry as a radio button choice for each option: time, expense, purchases.
Customers also need to prevent entry for the tasks. For example, they may have specific tasks for expenses only and that would mean they would like to turn off the entry of records on the time or purchases.
The system should evaluate first at the project level. If prevention of time entry is turned 'on' at the project level then no need to review the choices on the task.
If entry is allowed 'on' the project level then the system should review the task to also determine if entry is allowed.
What is the status of this suggestion from four years ago?
While there is an option to "Block Time/Expense" on a Task Card, turning that block on does not remove that task from the time/expense entry screens. Users still see that task and receive an error message when they try to save time/expense to it. A better solution would be to not show the task at all.... eliminate error messages.
It would also be beneficial if the project/task were not a selectable option during entry (timesheet,expense, etc) if they have been blocked.