Progressus Software

Next-Generation Professional Services Automation
Architected for the Microsoft Cloud

Add field “Project Code” to the Purchase Quote - to bring PQs in line with the POs

Any users that are creating PQ in the first instance instead of PO. You added project code to PO header for a good reason!

  • Andrew Wingate
  • Apr 7 2022
  • Planned
Business Impact


Industry Vertical Any & All that use Purchase Quote documents
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Jeff Suwyn commented
    2 May, 2023 07:36pm

    Andy, thank you for clarifying. You are correct, it is not in the header. We will evaluate adding it to the header

  • Andrew Wingate commented
    2 May, 2023 04:05pm

    Hi Jeff, thanks for getting back to me.

    I agree for sure the project No. is on the PQ lines, but if you look at the PO card it's on the lines there too. But on a PO card the Project No. is also on the header. Why the distinction PQ vs PO ? its the same table after all 'Purchase Header'.

    So my users raise both PQ and PO and would like a similar experience on both record types. Namely, the ability to select the Project number on the header of the document, so that they don't have to then re-select the Project Number on every line.



  • Admin
    Jeff Suwyn commented
    2 May, 2023 02:40pm


    The project and task are on the quote page lines

  • Andrew Wingate commented
    10 Jun, 2022 11:13am

    My client is asking for this to be done as an bespoke ext now, any chance you can make this small change in your next release?