Progressus Software

Next-Generation Professional Services Automation
Architected for the Microsoft Cloud

Streamline Time sheet entry rejection comment process

If I want to reject all it prompts me with the rejection comment box for each time card line I want to reject.  I don't know which one the comment is tied to as there is nothing on the reject remarks box that tells me also I have to close the box then a new one will pop up for every line.  Can you combine this into one screen where it will show me the project number, project description, task no and task descriptions for all the lines if Iclick reject all.  Then I can fill in all the comments in one screen and click submit.

  • Guest
  • Oct 19 2018
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  • Brandon Lewis commented
    29 Sep, 2020 05:27pm

    Would also need to make sure only one rejection email message is sent. At one time, I believe it was sending multiple email messages for expense rejections, but that may have changed by now.

  • Brandon Lewis commented
    29 Sep, 2020 05:26pm

    Also, perhaps, one prompt for a comment, then it populates a list that is mentioned in this idea. You can then change the comments as necessary for individual lines, but most people I think would just want one comment and have it go to all lines.

  • Brandon Lewis commented
    29 Sep, 2020 05:25pm

    This would be beneficial in both timesheet and expense sheet approvals.

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